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- /*
- ** $VER: GMExample_My.c 1.006 (25.02.96) © Gian Maria Calzolari
- **
- **
- ** Generic IEditor test with many gadgets
- **
- ** $HISTORY:
- **
- ** 25 Feb 1996 : 001.006 : Final release for v2.25!
- ** 17 Feb 1996 : 001.005 : Corrected error in NULL pointed ARexx strings
- ** 07 Feb 1996 : 001.004 : Changed and adapted to IE 2.25
- ** 01 Jan 1996 : 001.003 : Adapted to use the IE generated main!
- ** 23 Dec 1995 : 001.002 : Added AREXX header :-(
- ** 17 Dec 1995 : 001.002 : The ARexx interface now works, DICE doesn't open
- ** RexxSysLib without declaring the RexxSysBase
- ** library struct! :-(
- ** 08 Dec 1995 : 001.001 : Added an ARexx test cmd
- ** 12 Nov 1995 : 001.000 : Updated with IE 2.19, added texts and ver string.
- ** First /real/ public release! :-)
- ** 29 Oct 1995 : 000.002 : Adapted to IE v2.17 and translated to English!
- ** 12 Oct 1995 : 000.001 : ...first version...
- **
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- #include <rexx/storage.h>
- #define INTUI_V36_NAMES_ONLY
- #define ASL_V38_NAMES_ONLY
- #include <clib/dos_protos.h>
- #include "GMExample.h"
- #include "GMExample_rev.h"
- const char ver[] = VERSTAG " by Gian Maria Calzolari";
- const char version[] = VSTRING " by Gian Maria Calzolari FidoNet 2:332/502.11";
- void MySetup(void);
- int HandleCtrlC(void);
- extern struct Library *SysBase;
- extern Ok_to_Run;
- UWORD Scelta = 0; // MX ChooseMe current value
- #define SCELTA_MAX 2 // MX ChooseMe max value
- void MySetup()
- {
- if (SysBase->lib_Version < 37)
- Error("You need at least KickStart", ">= 37 (2.04)");
- onbreak(HandleCtrlC);
- // Put my version into the text gadget
- GT_SetGadgetAttrs(MiaFinGadgets[GD_Text], MiaFinWnd, NULL,
- GTTX_Text, version,
- }
- /* -------------------------------- HandleCtrlC --------------------------------
- Comment:
- CTRL + C management (this works ONLY with the DICE's onbreak function)
- */
- int HandleCtrlC(void)
- {
- return TRUE;
- }
- /*
- C/E source code created by Interface Editor
- Copyright © 1994-95 by Simone Tellini Software
- Copy registered to : Gian Maria Calzolari - Beta Tester 2
- Serial Number : #2
- */
- /*
- In this file you'll find empty template routines
- referenced in the GUI source. You can fill this
- routines with your code or use them as a reference
- to create yor main program.
- */
- BOOL SubItem1Menued( void )
- {
- printf("Routine for menu *Menù1/Item1/SubItem1*\n");
- return TRUE;
- }
- BOOL SubItem2aMenued( void )
- {
- printf("Routine for menu *Menù1/Item2/SubItem2a*\n");
- return TRUE;
- }
- BOOL SubItem2bMenued( void )
- {
- printf("Routine for menu *Menù1/Item2/SubItem2b*\n");
- return TRUE;
- }
- LONG GetTheStringRexxed( ULONG *ArgArray, struct RexxMsg *Msg )
- {
- TEXT buffer[11];
- printf("Routine for the *GetTheString* ARexx command\n");
- strcpy(buffer, GetString(MiaFinGadgets[GD_Stringa]) );
- Msg->rm_Result2 = CreateArgstring(buffer, strlen(buffer) );
- return(0L);
- }
- LONG PutTheStringRexxed( ULONG *ArgArray, struct RexxMsg *Msg )
- {
- printf("Routine for the *PutTheString* ARexx command\n");
- GT_SetGadgetAttrs(MiaFinGadgets[GD_Stringa], MiaFinWnd, NULL,
- GTST_String, ArgArray[0],
- return(0L);
- }
- LONG QuitRexxed( ULONG *ArgArray, struct RexxMsg *Msg )
- {
- printf("Routine for the *QUIT* ARexx command\n");
- Ok_to_Run = MiaFinCloseWindow();
- return(0L);
- }
- LONG Gimme5Rexxed( ULONG *ArgArray, struct RexxMsg *Msg )
- {
- printf("Routine for the *GIMMEFIVE* ARexx command\n");
- printf("All Right, [");
- if ( (STRPTR)ArgArray[0] )
- printf("%s", (STRPTR)ArgArray[0] );
- printf("] [");
- if ( (STRPTR)ArgArray[1] )
- printf("%s", (STRPTR)ArgArray[1] );
- printf("]!\n");
- return(0L);
- }
- BOOL MiaFinCloseWindow( void )
- {
- printf("Routine for IDCMP_CLOSEWINDOW\n");
- return FALSE;
- }
- BOOL BottoneClicked( void )
- {
- printf("Routine when *_Button!* clicked\n");
- return TRUE;
- }
- BOOL BottoneKeyPressed( void )
- {
- printf("Routine when *_Button!*'s activation key is pressed\n");
- /* ...or return TRUE not to call the gadget function */
- return BottoneClicked();
- }
- BOOL PaletteClicked( void )
- {
- printf("Routine when *Palette* clicked\n");
- return TRUE;
- }
- BOOL SceglimiClicked( void )
- {
- printf("Routine when *_Choose me!* clicked\n");
- Scelta = MiaFinMsg.Code;
- printf("You chose <%s>\n", SceglimiLabels[Scelta] );
- return TRUE;
- }
- BOOL SceglimiKeyPressed( void )
- {
- printf("Routine when *_Choose me!*'s activation key is pressed\n");
- if (Scelta < SCELTA_MAX)
- Scelta++;
- else
- Scelta = 0;
- GT_SetGadgetAttrs(MiaFinGadgets[GD_Sceglimi], MiaFinWnd, NULL,
- GTMX_Active, Scelta,
- MiaFinMsg.Code = Scelta;
- /* ...or return TRUE not to call the gadget function */
- return SceglimiClicked();
- }
- BOOL NumeroClicked( void )
- {
- LONG numero;
- printf("Routine when *Key in a _number* clicked\n");
- numero = GetNumber( MiaFinGadgets[GD_Numero] );
- printf("Gadget value: <%d>\n", numero);
- return TRUE;
- }
- BOOL StringaClicked( void )
- {
- TEXT stringa[11];
- printf("Routine when *Key in a _string* clicked\n");
- strcpy(stringa, GetString( MiaFinGadgets[GD_Stringa] ) );
- printf("Gadget value: <%s>\n", stringa);
- return TRUE;
- }
- BOOL ProvaImgClicked( void )
- {
- printf("Routine when *BooleanGadget* clicked\n");
- return TRUE;
- }
- BOOL MiaFinVanillaKey( void )
- {
- printf("Routine for not a gadget related key pressed!\n");
- printf("...you pressed <%c>\n", MiaFinMsg.Code);
- return TRUE;
- }